Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Where is SUMMER?
It's been pouring, raining... and just plain dreary here
since I've returned.
It's halfway through June and I sure hope it warms up soon.
I can see the palm trees on the beach looking like they are
about to snap and blow over and the waves on the water are gigantic.
Anyhow, my trip to visit the family was wonderful.
My father looks better than before -
and is feeling better than ever!
I found these awesome containers at my local thrift shop.
I took a little break from making books the other day...
and stumbled upon these.
I LOVE them!
What a find!

So, today I was just prepping paper ALL day.
Whew....this takes a long time!
Lots more work to do to prepare for the art festival.
Okay...I should get back to work....

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hey there! I left a message on facebook, but I figured you are on here more! I love your website and Etsy store. You have a great product! I'll be coming up for Arts Fest next weekend..so I will try and look for you! Good luck!!