Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Here are some pics from the
Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts!
The show was wonderful...
I even got some great press in the local paper:
The Centre Daily Times

Here's my original Green Trike Press watercolor
hanging in my booth.
After the article was published -
I had many, many visitors stop by just to see the
watercolor painting of the Green Trike!

Here is a case full of extra petite journals.

Those are handmade paper roses in that white vase...
colors ranging from white, to lime green, to forest green.
And the photo on the desk is moi at age 8 selling
grapevine wreaths at the Children's Day Festival!!

Thank you so much to my amazing parents for
all of their help...
and of course to L ...
who was a super supporter, car driver,
box lifter, errand runner, business card maker,
food runner, booth sitter, and so much more.
(Thank you for the beautiful Italian painting - I love it!)

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